Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, November 25, 2005

better now

The clouds have parted, the rain is gone.. I was in a horrid mood all day, very ominous stuff going on.. I was worried the weather would become a pathetic fallacy... Thank goodness it did not.

I am tingling.... I haven't barely slept in a week... Yet... I have this renewed energy... Based on some great conversation, and a sense that school is going to be ok and I can stop panicking...

My Aunt Linda and Uncle Donnie from Cape Breton are down for a visit, it was lovely to see them. They were staying with my great Aunt Rose and Uncle Allister, Sean and I had a great time visiting with everyone. Even though Kiddo is sick.

Sean mentioned in passing about looking for a job in Grande Prairie when he goes to spend Christmas with Mom and Dad. Made me really sad. I like having my "little" brother around even if he is almost a foot taller than me.

I am turning my essay in today, which I will be reprimanded at a penalty of 3% per day so let's hope it's a kick ass essay.

I cannot wait to return home and sleep today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great conversation..you talking about me??
Anyways, go home after school, and go to bed..sleep well..

Later, babe!

9:30 a.m.  

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