Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I knew it was going to happen.. I knew I was going to crack.. this is it.. This is me cracking...

I have to write a thousand word essay in less than 3 hours.. Can I do this? It's only worth 10%.. It can be late its' only a 3% penalty.. but that's not me..

I just don't' know where to begin I don't' know what to say.. I don't know


I got back an English Essay B+, I talked to my prof about improving.. This is what first semester and Intro to English is about right.. Learning making mistakes and all that fun stuff...


the thousand word essay is simple.. Like extremely simple.. Read two chapters and talk about rural life of pre French revolution peasants... I mean I did stuff like this in Junior High... What is wrong with me.. I can't start I don't' know how to begin.. I can't come up with the first line.. I am drawing a total blank.. Once I get started it will flow but... BUT...

I am an idiot.. Now you all know.. I am a stupid fucking moron.. Who was I fucking kidding coming here.. I have a 2300 word essay due Monday... I have a 1500 word essay due the 2nd and also a Environmental Studies assignment that is supposedly 10 pages.. Can I do this.. Who am I fooling.. Why can't I write???????????

I blather away constantly why can't I write?

I am going to go eat my sandwhich and carrot sticks and then just go mad.. anyone want to edit for me when I am done?


Blogger Megs said...

When I first met you, the first thing I noticed was your intelligence. I was completely floored by how smart and eloquent you are. You'll do amazing in school - just as in everything else you do.

I love you.

1:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jamie, I know YOU CAN DO IT! Like Megs said you are very smart, and you always do what you need to. Take care.

8:21 p.m.  

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