Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Where was I...

ohh yea.. So some old dirt bags were hitting on me when I wasn't' sitting at the table with my brother and cousin.. There was one really hot guy who I made eye contact with but having the brother Blocker with me.. Didn't help and well.. I hate to sound horrid but the whole military men thing kinda turns me off... I man uniforms are sexy but apparently they are drunks who have barely any respect for women... yea...

Saturday everyone slept in... We ordered pizza and watched Amityville Horror... Around 6pm my cousins' friends began to walk through eh door... There was a really cute guy, Chris, who turns out has 3 kids, the oldest is 9 and he's the same age as me in the eh middle of a divorce....YOWZERS!

We hit this bar in Fredericton... OMG a real honest to goodness cougar bar.. All exaggerating and kidding aside I was the hottest chick in this bar... Met some cool people (guys)...

Met this really interesting guy from East Africa we had a great chat.. We danced some.. he followed me around the bar like a puppy... The country he was from. was a place where Tim had been stationed... He talked to Tim, who later advised me to not continue speaking to this guy because he was in Canada on political asylum... Trin had already invited him back to their place for a party.. I grabbed Mr.Mom from earlier and told him to walk quickly towards the cab and act like he was taking me home...

Did I ever tell you how the weirdest things always happen to me...

Did I mention hot metalheads from after party? Yea... It's been a crazy last few days..

Now its' time to buckle down and get my essays written and assignments completed and start studying for exams...

One last thing.. Guess who has never been to California?


Guess who has been to Ozzfest?


Guess who is going to Ozzfest in 2006 in San Bernadina California?



Guess who is also going to Motley Crue in Halifax?

Me again!

Guess who is so happy she could cry?

Oh yea that's right ME!


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