Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

behind the clouds

The T-shirt

Tonight I came home from work... Turned on the computer and slipped into my PJ pants and my favorite t-shirt... You know the one that really should be tossed because the holes have started to outnumber the cloth... The one that is oh so comfy, with a bands name written on the front...

Led Zeppelin baby... This T-shirt has been to the centre of Canada and back by 2 separate people...

I moved to Rocanville when I was barely 17, I was scared out of my mind, having grown up in small town NB, I thought small town SK was going to be hell... I met this girl, hung out at her place and borrow her Led Zeppelin t-shirt one night to wear to bed... She told me it belonged to some Eric guy... Turns out that "Eric guy" was my best friend in NB's ex boyfriend who had moved to SK a couple of months before me..... It was comforting to know that someone from "back home" had been there, and that shirt was a piece of where I came from as dumb as that sounds I felt a little less lost.

I kept the shirt... Came home that summer for a visit and ran into Eric at a party, while wearing his T-shirt... We chatted about what a hell hole small town SK had been... I offered him back his shirt... He said it suited me... That was over 5 years ago and I still wear this shirt all the time... There was no point to that story....

no idea why my post is unlined..... Too tired to really care...

Nothing beats screaming at your best friend for being supportive, crying when she calls you on your vileness, laughing hysterically while hugging her as you realize you are both bitchy crazy lonely women and finally admitting to it.

"Plenty of folks are so contrary that if they should fall into the river, they would insist upon floating upstream."-Anonymous


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