Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Slap in the Face

I shouldn`t do this on a email, but I am not able to do it face to face, I know it's cowardly, but I have no choice.
I don`t know what really happen, at first I only wanted to be friend, and then it kind went fast, maybe because I felt lonely lately, so I went into this`relationship` to fill that loneliness, but I see now that it was not correct to do so.
I feel that I am using you, because I don`t feel this relationship, I am sorry. The reason I am doing this now is that by me staying silent is even worst then not telling you now, but both option are still not ok, I am jerk and I should have said something sooner.
It is my sincere wish that we can still be friend.
I still want to say thank you, I know it`s not much.


I just got dumped... I've never been dumped before... But hey public humiliation... How wonderful....

We weren't even in a "relationship" and I got dumped...

woe is me...

Funny part is... No where in that email is there any kind of explanation.... Unless you all magically see one... Cause if so share it with me...

I am drunk...

I am going out to see Wintersleep... His friends that I just met are going to be there.... I am going to act dumb and drunk... I don't want to not go.....I love WIntersleep!

I thought he wasn't that interested.. My friends told me I was paranoid... Aha well can't blame him...

I got DUMPED via EMAIL!!!!! I feel like someone took a shit in my mouth... ICK!


Blogger Megs said...

I love you.

12:21 p.m.  

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