Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Mais Oui

Trying to update on a french keyboard is quite irritating... every question mark turns into a bizarro E, and if i try and conjoin my words it forms another strange e... oh well

So Georgina and Chris are making the leap to NB this weekend and I must say I am excited... We are all supposed to go out on Saturday... Which I think will be an interesting adventure to say the least...

Tomorrow night is Wintersleep.. I am heading to pick up the Lovely Laura at 2 pm, and swinging into my little hometown to see my Grammy as today was her birthday her seventy second birthday... wow.... then we swing back into Moncton to o go shopping for intimate apparel... then off to the Wintersleep show at the Paramount.. I am very excited.. I had such a delightful time at the show in Halifax...

My very wonderful blog community has all but faded away on me... I still have my fierce addiction and want you all to know how sincerely missed you all are.. even if you dontè enjoy your own writing I do... *sniff*

for anyone out there who wants to feed the addiction comment the address or email me with it...

Hope everyone had a superbly divine Valentines... I know I did...


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