Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, February 18, 2005

Lyrics By Wintersleep:Home

"So glad to be back home, be back home

So glad to be back home, be back home

I can’t stay too long, be back home

So glad to be back home, be back home

Loving to hit so hard, hit so hard

Loving to hit so hard, hit so hard

Every little cause, hit so hard

Loving to hit so hard, hit so hard

So glad to be back home, be back home

So glad to be back home, be back home

So glad to be back home, be back home

So glad to be back home, be back home"


This has been stuck in my head since Tuesday night...
I identify quite strongly with this song.. because I am
back in New Brunswick where I grew up my "home"....
Going to see this band with Laura on Wednesday, made me remember
a lot of really amazing moments.. and also recognize how wonderful
everything has been lately.

The nostalgia becomes a little overwhelming at times, and trying
to sort through my future.

I had a transcending conversation with Tanya last night, I never
wanted to reach through the phone and hug someone so much. I'm proud
of her.... and I can't help but feel a little lost without her.

I learned since this whole "email" thing that I have some pretty fucking
awesome friends, and I can't help but be extremely grateful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, my dog could write those lyrics.

5:37 p.m.  

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