Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Foolish Female

"You're lovely, but you're empty," he went on. "One couldn't die for you. Of course an ordinary passerby would think my rose looked just like you. But my rose, all on her own, is more important than you altogether, since she's the one I've watered. Since she's the one I put under glass. Since she's the one I sheltered behind a screen."

Tonight Jamie wanted to go out dancing... I offered to drive the drunks around.. I just wanted to go somewhere I could dance, I could just let myself go and move to the music.... I could forget about getting dumped (and that I still like the guy... argh) that I wouldn't feel vulnerable... I HATE that.. More than anything... I was made vulnerable... That I could just slip into a crowd of people moving with the beat sashaying my hips, glide on my feet and be transported into blissful relaxation....

She told me she was lonely too.... We both rant and rave about our independence... But I feel better, now that she told me she feels it too... We are both so stubborn.. Yet we are mostly just jaded....Reluctantly admitting to our insecurities and vulnerabilities sometimes...

I am going hardcore with the applications tomorrow.. Mount Allison University has free online applications (normally $50) till February 28th, wish me luck trying to explain where I have been for the last few years...

I got sent this to cheer me up tonight:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Jamie!!

10:15 a.m.  

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