Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Thursday, December 15, 2005


On Monday I have a free ride to Halifax, that then continues on to Cape Breton on Tuesday afternoon (weather permitting I presume). I must be in Sussex Friday evening the 23rd. I have half the money for the bus ticket home.. pus a bit of cash that I could feasibly go.. but it would be a tight situation.. I REALLY want to go, but financially it could be an unwise choice.. I keep weighing the pros and cons. I want to go!

My friends from Ontario and British Columbia will be down, my friend from Ontario I am not certain when I will have the opportunity to see again. My cousins from Ontario are also coming down, I really want to spend time with them. They are moving to Gagetown in February so I know I will get to hang out with them more often then. I also want to visit with my Aunt and Uncle. Yet I don't have money to buy presents for everyone so I will feel like an asshole.

My friends in Halifax I haven't seen in a long time and would like to see.

I don't know what to do...


Blogger Megs said...

You have no choice in the matter. Don't worry about money - my parents stock up on booze during the holidays, so we'll get right ellaver at home and then stager to Main Street for some Black Betty and dollar draught. =) See you Monday.

9:54 a.m.  

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