Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I don't believe I have ever made a New Years Resolution before.

Starting tomorrow (being that it is the first day of the new semester) I am going to develop a routine on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

6 am I will take my vitamins and make *greens* shake and pack a healthy lunch.

7:10 am carpool drive arrives

8:30 am attend classes

11:20 am (hopefully on break between classes can consume lunch).

1:20 pm complete last class of day.

1:45 pm work out in Gym.

3:00 pm shower,

3:30 pm go to library.

5:25 pm meet drive back to Moncton.

6 pm prepare healthy supper.

7 pm walk around block at least twice (no matter how cold it is).

8 pm study and read

10 pm leisure time.

I want to lose another 30 pounds in the next 3 months. Or at the very least be in a size 9, currently in size 13/15. In April I was a size 20. I want to be back in my "thin" jeans this summer. Going to Ozzfest in California this August.. I want to be wearing a bikini by then.

Begin full-time job to keep me busy. I work well under pressure and things have been too slack therefore I have not been applying myself.

I received my grades back I killed in 3 classes.. Did shitty in two others.. Time to get my act together.

Quit the "sneaking puffs" thing on NYE so no more cigs (Period!) for this girl.

Cut back the drinking to once a month. I have to choose my occasions.

AND last but not least.. No more boys.. I need to focus on school. Though having a boyfriend for a week was really awesome.

I was going to work out a budget but if I get a full time job I don't have to worry about budgeting.

OK OK I am going to develop a budget and stick to it.

Write, really write not just my little postcard blog.



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