Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I think I am going to change all my stuff over to Alberta. On paper this will be my permanent residence.

I turned down a job yesterday to be a "lead bartender" (in charge of all the bartenders and bartending myself) which is something I would love to do. The pay was unreasonable. I have a telephone interview later today for a job in the business field... I rock the socks off interviews.

I have been having mini panic attacks... If it's still going on when my parents get back I am going to see the doctor here. I lost my prescription in the move.

Went for tea with my Mother, her best friend Debbie and my Grandmother yesterday at these beautiful gardens.

We shared a piece of this amazing German Chocolate cake. They left for Vancity this morning, and I am home alone for the next 8 days.

Time to start dealing with my bullshit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi pretty lady! Miss you on the East Coast, and glad you're enjoying time with Grandma! Hope things are going well!

7:21 p.m.  
Blogger Megs said...

I miss you and love you very much. You're absolutely gorgeous - where did you get that necklace??

2:20 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Shannon, I love you and am very proud of you, congrats on graduating from Mount Allison!

The necklace is the very lovely Laura's...

I absolutely adore it and she let's me borrow it every once in a while.

megsy wegsy thanks for the lovely compliment! I love you! Have fun hanging with Kiddo this weekend. Give my cousin a hug for me!

4:26 p.m.  

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