Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Did you ever finally find that perfect pair of sunglasses. The ones that just suit your face, you feel like a secret agent or a rock star when they slide on your nose.

I did last summer, they were less than 10$ and they just were the perfect fit.

Of course now they are slightly battered, scratched and perhaps bent, but they still have the same effect.

I wanted to bring them back to the west with me. Hoping to find their close relative to buy a few more pairs. Plus I enjoy feeling like a rock star.

I just ran around the house for 20 minutes looking for them, afraid they had been left behind in New Brunswick. This was not the first time this week I had done this..

I couldn't' find them anywhere, I tore threw everything, frantically asking my parents if they had noticed them lying around... No such luck.

I thought back to when I had torn threw my suitcases on Saturday morning searching madly for them... Or was that a drugged out haze.. Stupid Gravol and it's adverse side effects on me.

Eric would know!

I picked up the phone dialed his number and sat down on the bed, feel like a fool I explained my dilemma and asked him if he recalled where I had found them, or better yet, did he remember me looking, had I found them or was this a bizarre dream I had. (Gravol hits me hard and I have to take a lot when I fly and the turbulence on Saturday was especially brutal.)

He thought, I could almost hear the hamster in the wheel across 4 provinces, wracking his brain, as I tried to recall their whereabouts as well. I had only unpacked 2 days previously.

Where are my fucking sunglasses? What good is a photographic memory if you can't remember where the photograph was taken?

As I pick up my head and Eric has finished telling me he can't recall where they are, I glance at the dresser under the letter I had started writing to him... I see my glasses, but wait the lenses are tinted..

"Dammit Eric, I found them."

Then he makes some joke about them never being missing in the first place and it being just a silly excuse to call him. It almost makes me wish it had been, because then I would've had more time to talk to him. I was rushing, Dan would be here soon, we are off on an adventure to walk his dog and go for a hike...

turns out Dan was running late and I have time to write this wild tale.


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