Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My Grammy!

Greatest lady in the entire world.

Just when I thought for certain I would finally disappoint her, causing her to lose faith in me.. She surprised me once again as she tells me, everything is going to be A-ok. I'm not alone. I'm never alone.

I have an amazing life, because I am fortunate enough to know the most amazing people on the planet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was very hard for me to let you go off on your own! I cannot help you out.......this is weird. I expect to see that necklace back in one piece. Along with you in August, polished and better than ever.

Great photo of you and Betty! I am jealous.

12:33 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am pretty damm amazing, aren't I???
Ya know, I'm so amazing that I...oh..oops, I guess this isn't about me, huh??
I love ya, babe, have a great summer..and you know how to get ahold of me.
But, you still gotta get me that phone number.

8:27 p.m.  

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