Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, April 21, 2006

Always look on the Bright side of Life

So the winds have change have started to blow. I am getting excited to go out west. And I tell you I stepped on the scale a few eeks back and have dropped 42 lbs since last April. I'm so excited i've told everyone else at least twice.I plan on dropping another 30 while visiting my parents.

I have loads of concert events I could attend this summer. I have a friends that are excited to see me. I have finished my first year of university. I have made some beautiful friends whom seem genuinely upset that I am departing for the summer.

I had the most amazing weekend.

I almost regretted something on Saturday night, but fortunately found the courage to walk up to someone and say something that could be viewed as weird. But I found fitting and quite enjoyable.

I also had the most amazing adventure on Friday. I love spontaneity.

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping with the usual chipper updates.

So I'm depressed. Big deal! next hurdle please. If it didn't swallow me up within the last ten years why set it start to win now.

That Jamie has left the building and this lady has control of the reins again. No more feeling sorry for myself.

I am off to curl my hair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are getting better. Enjoy yourself and have a blast this Summer, one thing i've learned is live life while you can. I admire you for you being able to pick up and go when you please. There's nothing wrong with spontaneity. Congrats on the weight loss, I bet you feel tons better.Think of you:)

10:37 a.m.  
Blogger Megs said...

I love you ooodles and zooodles.

10:09 a.m.  
Blogger My Turn said...

Hey girl...hurry up and get your skinny ass out to Alberta...I can't wait to see you!

3:54 p.m.  

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