Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


So since Saturday night I have been converting the time, by 3 hours to the East Coast time, wondering what's going on now that I am departed. Driving myself mad thinking of all the fun stuff I am missing.

and then I suddenly had an epiphany!

I'm in Alberta now, this is where I will be until I mosey over to Vancouver or back to the East Coast.

This is where I am! This is who I am!

I realized this last night.. This is where I am now, this is where I will be... Until that changes I have to stop living in other places, thinking about what's going on without me.

I think it's finally sunk in. I am in Alberta.

oh and I also realized.

Moncton is my home now.


Blogger georginamackinnon said...

oh jamie you and i were in the same province for so long and only really hung out 1 time...how i miss you sooo i regret not having more time with you...we'll have to keep in touch....im pretty sure if i am here by the time you get back it wont be for long...i hope im here for at least a little bit anyways...keep in touch girl....you always hold a special place in my heart...and believe me when and if i get married yr on the top of the list to be a part of it...dont ever forget jamie...you are a friend no matter how much time passes you are always on my mind as one of my very closest friends...i hope you feel the same way...take care girl..love georgina

4:44 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where at in Alberta?

2:13 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Grande Prairie ATM.

2:16 p.m.  

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