Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, July 24, 2006

Drugged up

Friday night I finished work at 10:30 went home to meet up with my friend Tasha. We've been friends since I was 8 and she was 7. I brought along a friend from work, Steve, and my friend Dan met up with us.

Tasha had a few screwdrivers, while I had a couple glasses of Crown and cola. We headed out to the Crown&Anchor, for a few cocktails and some pool. We were having fun, and the night was full of adventures.

I almost got into a fight with a guy who (as his friend claimed) had just been initiated into the HA. We both got into our respective cabs, Steve and Dan sat on either side of me I think to keep me from jumping back out and exchanging more words with the douchebag.

Then we headed to a local bar with some live entertainment. Tasha and I wanted to dance. I made the foolish mistake of setting a drink on the ledge next to the dance floor. From there things get hazy and I fell on the floor at least 3 times, then I completely blacked out. I became 'aware' of my situation around 5am as my friend Dan is on the phone with his friend a paramedic and they are trying to figure out what drug I may have ingested. Apparently I had been throwing up since 2am. I have no recollection of anything until the next morning when I wake up still dressed on my side with a steel bowl placed on the floor next to the bed I was sleeping in. I was woozy and dizzy for most of Saturday.

Thank goodness I had responsible friends around me, or I may not be writing this update today.

Needless to say I will never set foot in that establishment again, and I will be even more conscientious of my drinks.

Saturday was much nicer.. I took my parents out to a fine dining restaurant and wore my new red dress. Then Tasha, Dan and I went to the beach for a swim and bonfire.
I also got 6 hours of pay and I wasn't even working as my manager decided to close my lounge last night. I guess all these weeks of being a workaholic paid off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you are okay after you experience at that bar! Other than you situation it still sounds like you a having a great summer!!!! Say hi to your family for me!!!

2:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That story scares the hell out of me. I'm so glad that you're ok. Jesus H! We can't lose you!

10:12 p.m.  

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