Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, July 03, 2006


I am at work.. waiting for the last 45 minutes of my shift to end. Did I mention I work 7 days a week.. have for the past month.. except last Thursday, I had the night off to attend a concert. Never mind what concert, though the drama that ensued because of it is comment worthy.

Anyway because of this continuous working and lack of sleep (I can't sleep past 9:30 am and I have no clue why) haven't been updating. Hell I have been barely functional.

I have so much I want to tell you.. I wish I could sit down with you all near a clear lake on a warm afternoon, the breeze of the water keeping us at a comfortable temperature and spill the beans.

I want to tell you about C, E, F, H, J, M, Y and my upcoming adventure to Calgary with Jaclyn. Speaking of Calgary I'm going to see T and meet her fiancee, I can't supply a word to how I feel about that.. but anxious will work for now.

One month till I fly to Vancouver, then begins two weeks of zaniness before I return to the East Coast. I'm still not sure what staying at H's house for 10 days is going to be like. Though an agreement was made on my bringing Knuckles with me.

A pet.. Ms. Irresponsible is going to have an honest to goodness responsibility.

I have to remember to put gas in my parents car on the way home, I'm really going to miss them.

Oh do you all remember how drunk dude bumped into me and popped my knee out of place mid march? Well I was dancing away from another drunk dude on Thursday night after the concert and it popped back into place. Though walking around on it for 9 hours last night while carrying loads of heavy things.. well that made 2:30-3:30 am pure hell for me last night.... but thanks to the magic of super strength painkillers and ice packs I managed to fall asleep and it feels much better today.

oh I got some luggage today at Value Village for 4 dollars. Thank you employee who doesn't do their job very well,(it's Alberta-you don't have to), because of you I got nice luggage really cheap. Oh and this whole only paying 6% in taxes.. fucking rocks.

Oh LAURA!! I bought your face wash.. that was why I called you today.. well that and to tell you about the soap opera with the dudes in the hotel.. cause it makes me giggle.

and I should get back to my job.... front desk at hotel at midnight... so quiet.. it's almost eerie.

I really cannot think straight at all right now.

I jsut realized why I am tired, sore, cranky and not able to think clearly.. time of the month. FUCK! hopefully it passes quickly I don't want to be feeling gross when I go away.


Blogger Megs said...

I love you and miss you oh so much. Can't wait to meet Knuckles! =)

6:37 p.m.  

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