Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, July 17, 2006


I have so many wonderful stories I could tell you.. Finding the time to do so may be a different story. I am working the next two weeks straight. I might even get one more job during that time to make sure I have enough money to come home and relax for a bit. We'll see.

I got to see T and her fiancee and they are a cute couple madly in love and I can't wait to attend the wedding in October. Not too certain if I am part of the ceremony.. It would be my first time being a bridesmaid.

I met the delightful B@B and all I can say is wow. She is just as beautiful outside as she is inside. She gave my friend Jaclyn and I a lovely tour of the little shops in Inglewood, including the Harley dealership and the army surplus. I am rather happy Jaclyn was with me, or else I would have probably ended up blathering like an adoring fan... cause Broad is one very cool chick.

I also met up with a friend of some friends and he and his lovely girlfriend were the most gracious and sweetest hosts. We attended a metal show and I had a fantastic time. I was up till 10 am having wonderful conversation and passing back and forth a bottle of scotch.

This is us acting like goofs at Stampede Shredfest.

I also met up with a friend of some friends and he and his lovely girlfriend were the most gracious and sweetest hosts. We attended a metal show and I had a fantastic time. I was up till 10 am having wonderful conversation and passing back and forth a bottle of scotch.

This is us acting like goofs at Stampede Shredfest.

My dear friend Darren gave Jaclyn and I free range in his house, even passing up his California King for us. We, being the wild women that we are, promptly took over his living room with our garments and his bathroom counter with our beauty supplies. He was sweet enough to make us breakfast and even baked us some fresh bread.

Jaclyn was the most amazing road trip companion. Her ability to talk incessantly made the part of the trip we shared fly by. I missed her chatter during my 4 hour drive from Edmonton. We split everything 50./50 and the trip ended up being less expensive then expected, which was a pleasant surprise and allowed me to indulge in some shopping.

We even met a lovely guy from Ontario who came adventuring with us to Banff. The poor guy was a bit taken aback by such free spirited creatures. He was a working Joe who carried his "blackberry" everywhere and checked it repeatedly. He couldn't comprehend our rampant travels and complete disregard for money. He had far more money and possessions then us, but was horridly unhappy with his life.. I think we gave him a new perspective on life.

I went dancing on Friday night with my ladies.. and I must tell you it was wonderful to be shaking my booty with T again. It was expensive to get into the club, and the drink prices were outrageous.. but money was no object because the time spent was invaluable.

We visited a friend at the Marriott hotel, and the lamp in the room had a funny shape so I captured a picture with the gorgeous Jaclyn.

All in all it was one hell of a spectacular trip. I may tell you more if I get a moment.

I'm excited to go to Vancouver now.

Here's proof I wore a pink cowboy hat.

remind me to tell you about the Free Bull Rides.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a very good time...It sounds so exciting. I can't wait to hear more about it!

Miss ya Lots!

10:17 a.m.  

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