Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, January 16, 2006

Silver Spoons??

I have not written anything lately... I would like to say I haven't written anything of sustenance lately but I rarely, if ever, do.

I am going to pretend that I am writing this to myself because I know too many of the people who read this. Which has made it slightly more difficult to spill my guts. I have moved past this and the post after this one will probably be rather personal and maniac so beware! *GRIN*

Dear Jamie,

I feel as of late you have been unappreciative of your life and all the wonderful people involved in keeping it in tip top shape. You really slacked off last semester and seem to be commencing the same pattern again. I do realize that due to your present financial situation you were not able to purchase all of your books and therefore are a little bit behind on some of your reading. I believe you can rectify this immediately.

Your job interview tomorrow is rather pointless considering your school schedule is not consistent with the demands of the job. Though you are damn good at the whole call centre bit, it can only lead to yet another thing you excel at and become bored with. You are such a arrogant bitch.

Dinner tonight, new fellow, his birthday... How long before you crush him and a part of yourself??? You keep meeting all these wonderful men and pushing them away before a month has passed. Being irresponsible with other peoples feelings... Typical of your self absorbed nature, yet destructive of your sensitive soul. Perhaps monogamy and marriage isn't for everyone and you little jokes about never settling down are doomed to be true. I say doomed in a slightly kidding but with an underlying seriousness.

Though on a lighter note (pun is so intended) I am glad to see you are going to the gym and your pants have been getting looser. If you could only work more on reducing that chest so you can buy that nice Iron Maiden T-shirt you tried on over the weekend. Though the Black Sabbath one you went with is lovely.

I am also excited to learn more about this new "project" of yours.

Speaking of which I recommend you make a list of everything you need to accomplish this week, I know you are a procrastinator so simply change your deadlines by one week.

Cheer up buttercup it's just a little snow and being overtired! You are not going crazy, you are just a little nutty!

Love always,


PS. Tell Laura you love her, cause your abscessed tooth hasn't hurt since Saturday!


Blogger Megs said...

Dear Jamie:

In less than 3 weeks, we'll live in the same area code. I can't wait!


10:03 a.m.  

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