Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, January 20, 2006


I have just completed two classes
now I have a beak for an hour
then two more classes till 1:30
then I attend yoga
followed by a work out with lovely Laura
then studying I have three novels to read this weekend
then catch carpool ride home at 5:20
Hopping in shower
going for dinner at Mexicalirosa's to celebrate Sarah's birthday
Head back to our house for a party
and perhaps we'll depart for the punk/rock show if the party slows down, or one of us abstains from drinking.

I am pissed about something said recently by someone who I cared deeply about.. It completely changed my perspective on him and helped me step away from the situation and really look at things clearly...

I am finally growing up


Blogger Megs said...

...Scary, isn't it? I find myself getting disgusted when people share bits of gossip with me that would have made me pee my pants in delight just a few years ago...

3:20 p.m.  

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