Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, July 31, 2006

another trip

Remember how I said everything would work out in the end...

Well I think things have.. I found cheaper tickets... and made enough in tips in 4 days to cover my shortage... and have some left over for my first two days in Vancouver...

Though I haven't been able to get a hold of Davinna so I may not be going over to Victoria after all.

I may also get a temp job while in Vancouver..

Bringing Knuckles home is supposedly really expensive because he isn't a cat.. so I think I'll pretend I'm a little crazy and tell everyone he's a cat OR stick him in my bra.. he isn't metal so he shouldn't set off the detector. Though my parents (be damned if they'll admit it) have taken a shining too him... so if something doesn't work out he may just stay with them..

I finally applied for my student loan (stupid stupid stupid girl!) and now just have to pick my classes.. why am I such an absentminded procrastinator.

I have changed my permanent residency to Alberta so I can enjoy all those perks. And I'll probably end up back out here next summer. My manager seemed quite enthusiastic about that idea.

I could blather on but life if boring as of the moment.. I work, sleep and am trying to pack..

Oh the bull riding story.

So I told y'all about Jaclyn and my matching shirts with the "I'm not a cowgirl I just like a good ride" shirts.

WELL! We were approaching the stampede fairgrounds when we saw a sign for 'Free Bull Rides' and a man standing on the opposite side of the street with lasso (I kid you not).

As we approach I am trying to convince Jaclyn to do this (knowing full well it's going to be a mechanical bull). Then as this guy approaches and begins to help me to convince Jaclyn I realize (a little too late) that this is a ploy. I wasn't sure exactly what was going to be offered to us: credit cards, condos, timeshares, phone services.. if only we'd been so lucky....

We approach the tent after being lassoed by dude.. we are giggling Jaclyn still protesting and then dude tells us we can try out the bull ride if we just take 3 minutes to listen to Britney. Being the polite girls we are we turn around to be greeted by "Hey y'all!" By a grinning pretty girl in her early 20's.

**Back story.. Jaclyn is a single mother, who works very hard to support her daughter on her sole income with NO SUPPORT from her daughter's father.**

"Hey y'all, my name is Britney. I'm from Texas and I want to tell you about Jesus Christ and how he changed my life."

-I have to bite down immediately on my lip ring as Mr.Lasso actually looks at my shirt at this very same moment and he face drops... he knows this isn't going to be an easy sell.

"Now my father left when I was born and because I didn't have a father figure in my life I turned to drugs and alcohol and started getting into trouble."

-Smoke begins to come from Jaclyn's ears and I really have to stare hard into Britney's eyes not to burst out laughing... Now you may think I am being rude but this really was the LAST thing I expected to hear at this moment. I am on hiatus from religion until I commence religious studies in September.

"Then I met these Canadians and they seemed so happy and they told me about God and how he could be my heavenly father to fill the space left from not having an earthly...

('Wow I used to listen to this crap and believe it..')

"If you want to pray with me right now you can find the ..."


I swallowed back my laughter and my biting remarks and simply said:

"Britney I have listened to this propaganda my entire upbringing and I am glad that it works for you, but it doesn't work for me. I hope that you lead a happy and eventful life, but I have no interest in that lifestyle anymore. Good Day"

We walked one block away and burst into laughter at the awkwardness of the entire situation. Jaclyn was fuming but we both realized that there is a time and place for theological arguments and on our way to the Calgary Stampede fairgrounds with little naive Britney from Texas is not the time nor the place.


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