Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Thursday, October 26, 2006


The wedding was awesome.. I was flying off the handle, but my pre mixed whiskey and cranberry juice helped me to relax.. The other bridesmaid that I had a long standing grudge with pretended we had been best friends forever... so I just played along because I wasn't' causing any drama at Tanya's wedding.

Tanya wore this lovely dress Max's mother had worn in her wedding.  She looked divine as per usual. The other bridesmaid and I ended up matching up well even though we had all been told to buy a 'blue' dress.. the shades actually were well suited.

She was wed beside the newly renovated duck park (wentworth park??) in Sydney.. (I got my period in the car on the way to the ceremony as we were already late) but the ceremony went off beautifully.. The sun was shining and warm.. the justice of the peace was cool, she hugged Tanya and Max when the whole thing was done.. Melissa, Carol and I only cried a wee bit.. it was absolutely gorgeous.

Then we all piled into Carols little Hyundai, raced to the drug store so I could get batteries for my cam and some female stuff then hit the road to New Waterford.

I could tell you a bunch of other things.. like how I bought my shoes 2 hours before the wedding and was putting on Tanya's makeup 30 minutes before the ceremony or how I drank enough liquor to kill most people.. but really all you need to know..is my Tanya married her Max and they will live happily ever after.

They are now out in BC enjoying their honeymoon.  The only girl who felt the same way about men as me.. is married.. wow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a blast! I can't wait till my wedding. I sure do hope you will be able to make it! (if not i totally understand!) Remember the time I used to say I would NEVER have kids, or get married! LMAO Oh how the times change! Hope all is well with you! Ivory sits up all by herself now, and she will be crawling any time now!! Miss Ya lots.

4:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

weddings! they're happening all around me!


11:20 p.m.  

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