Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Filling in the Blanks

OK things I need to inform you of:

1. Bullet belt is safely in my Metalhead's hands and he is going to mail it as soon as I send him my postal code.

2. Anthrax is amazing! They played Got the Time and I screamed like a maniac. I wore my short plaid skirt with this cute top, and the security guard wanted me to sit on the floor with all the other folks until Anthrax started some sort of security issue... I stood by the fence (I'm such a rebel *rolls eyes*)

3. Rob Zombie puts on the best show EVER! Piggy D gave me a guitar pic with his picture/name on it. I fell in love with him for the entire set. Rob Zombie not only touched me multiple times he also held the mic into my face so could sing part of a song with him. Oh the memories.. I should have kids someday just so I can tell them how much cooler I am then they will ever be. John 5 played this wicked mix of songs from previous bands he's toured with. My Metalhead caught John 5's pic. I could go on endlessly about how incredible that show was.. but I think it takes away from the magic.

4. I am still madly in love with Vancouver. I went to the beach wandered around the city with my Metalhead a bunch bought some cool stuff and have a marvelous time.

5. Being so soaked in fake blood by Gwar that other people from the show who are also coated in blood approached you saying "Woah they really got you" is awesome.

6. Hanging out at a metal 'festival' for almost an entire day and ending the night with IN FLAMES is KICK ASS!

7. NOFX with my baby brother, and my bestest friends- was amazing. Having people I only knew as acquaintances and 'show friends' (they go t loads of live shows too) tell me that it was nice having me back made me feel so special. Going to the 'after party" and it being BAAAAAADD Karaoke-wasn't so cool.

8. I have the most amazing friends in the universe! Without the people who are in my life.. I would have been locked up ages ago!

9. Hanging out with both my brothers for a weekend was an emotional roller coaster. Anytime I left them I was a bawling mess. Half the time i was hanging out with Dan I wanted to strangle him. Sean kept me in stitches, except when he brought up a very tense issue between Dan and I just as we were walking into my Aunt and Uncle's house. Dan drove back out to Winnipeg with Sean who then continued on to his new home in Alberta, I miss him.

10. I'm back and you may never get me to shut up again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad your back and i'm sure we all don't want you to shut up! Keep up the updates. Very nice to be able to catch up. :)

10:01 a.m.  

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