Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Friday, August 11, 2006


It's been like this weird dream since I've arrived..

I do plan on telling you about it.. and was going to except now I have to repack my bags.. and I want a cat nap before hitting the airport in a few hours..

I'm nervous about going back home I think a lot has changed this summer.. then again I've changed a lot this summer.

It didn't hit me till 2 days ago.. I don't know when I will see my parents again.. and I really rather enjoy being around them. Though I drive them completely batty at times.

I'm a retarded mess right now..

I'm going to miss my metalhead.. This week went much better then I expected.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you and am sooo super pscyhed to see you and rock out with you on Monday night!!! Call me when you get in to NS.

5:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know when you're back in town. We'll catch up and have coffee.

5:18 p.m.  

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