Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Solitude and Silliness

Tomorrow is election day.. Dear God people vote!!! Vote! Vote!

I realize the options are shitty yet it is your right to vote.. Please get off your ass and vote. It is also your right to abstain.

This may give you some clue of what I'm doing...

Steelers won tonight.. They are going to the Superbowl Steve probably exploded with excitement *giggle*

I am reading this novel for my American Literature class. Incidents in the life of a slave Girl Written by Herself- Harriet A. Jacobs. It's an amazing account of slave life written by a woman who was born into slavery in the Southern United States.

That brings me to this

The Confederate States

a fake documentary depicting what may have happened if the South had won the war. I look forward to seeing it.

Sarah's birthday apparently went well.. Except her moronic friend decided it would be a terrific idea to write and draw on our fridge with permanent marker.. Thank god for that stupid magic eraser thingy.

This past weekend has been ridiculously fun.. I also accomplished various tasks related to school. I didn't realize it till now but I signed up for some rather intense classes this semester.

My CanLit class was cancelled in the morning.. Now during that time slot, I'll head to the gym and get an extra work out. Boo ya Grandma Boo ya.

I can move 285 lbs by pushing my legs apart....., last semester it was only 235.. I also can lift more weights with my shoulders and arms this semester.. and my legs are getting more toned. and want to hear a really gross story... OK then:

When I went to Ozzfest in 2004 I was waving my arm in the air during Priest while headbanging. I swung my head back and noticed my arm jiggling and I almost fainted from mortification. I was at the Trendkiller, Pantera tribute, show last month and the jiggle is almost totally gone.

Ozzfest is going to rule in august with my HOTT body I will rule California! Arnold will have nothing on me. *giggle*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm more a Conservative. :)

Love you.

11:13 p.m.  

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