Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sometimes my bullshit even makes me sick!

You have nothing more to find.
You have nothing more to loose.
Karma- Opeth

Here's my secret.

I am afraid to get attached to anyone.. Ever.. I am scared they will see the cracks in the wall

the vulnerable little girl
isn't intelligent
isn't pretty
will always be fat
no one really wants to be friends with her,
they just laugh at her when she's not looking
she isn't' very funny,
she just makes you think she is

maybe she is an illusion.

He told me I am intelligent, funny, sexy and the coolest chick but that he is too busy. I told him it's all ok..

He's another lesson in a long list of lessons I must learn. Karma is a bitch.. Or its a self fulfilling prophecy..

Sorry dudes.. Tomorrow I will have my confidence back and I'll be kicking your asses again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Doll,

Something that has helped me and my momments of self sorrow is to stop spending my energy on thinking about my self perceived disappointments, and start thinking about anything else.

I am going to leave a link in which you might find a laugh....soon some of the photos will be removed, so have this one time peck! The other people in the Library were giving me nasty glares when I viewed them earlier.

Love ya (remember your towel),


12:21 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey T,

L said "Don't forget to bring a towel"



PS L- I love you, thanks for the link!

8:03 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

"it's just a moment of weakness"
-Bif Naked

8:10 a.m.  

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