Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nasty cold

I can't sleep I don't' know why but I can't sleep. I watched an interview with Marilyn Manson and Bill O'Reilly and it was awesome. If you get a chance watch it.. I love Marilyn Manson and his articulation and his fabulous arguments.

My bullet belt was seized at the airport.. They actually called the RCMP and I think I may be on some sort of terrorist watch list now... The nice girl at the check out counter picked it up for me and I am hoping she can meet my metal head so I can have it mailed to me.. It was in my luggage to be shipped under the plane.. Now before you think I'm an idiot realize I have taken this bullet belt across the country with me SEVERAL times and have NEVER had a problem.

I heard 'please do not bring and liquids or gels' a million times on the news, overhead speakers, by security guards, check in clerks, random people, flight attendants, posted on walls, doors, windows, counters... apparently there isn't even any proof that these 'terrorists' in Britain were planning on doing anything after all. But a little paranoia is always good for our already over-anxious population.

When I stop to examine the bigger picture it just overwhelms me, and I want to crawl back under the covers and forget it all.
BTW I am sick and on Neo-Citron and some other cold meds.. So I may be a little wonky right now.

I am staying at my baby brother's and my other brother is coming to visit in just a little over a week I haven't seen him in a year so I'm rather excited.

Still have to tell you about Vancouvery goodness and Halifax fun.

Friday, August 11, 2006


It's been like this weird dream since I've arrived..

I do plan on telling you about it.. and was going to except now I have to repack my bags.. and I want a cat nap before hitting the airport in a few hours..

I'm nervous about going back home I think a lot has changed this summer.. then again I've changed a lot this summer.

It didn't hit me till 2 days ago.. I don't know when I will see my parents again.. and I really rather enjoy being around them. Though I drive them completely batty at times.

I'm a retarded mess right now..

I'm going to miss my metalhead.. This week went much better then I expected.

Stupid terrorists

*selfish dumb post*

but why is it when I am about to fly across teh motherfucking country do you have to go and be douchebags and make it so I can't bring toothpaste, a bottle of water or even my moisturizer with me.

Now I have to go check my bags and make sure my sunscreen and shampoo are not in my carry-on.

Dear terrorists.

I hate you.



Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Vancouver Here I come!

Tomorrow morning. 8:25 am

GoodBye Trumpeter Hotel!

GoodBye GP!

Goodbye Ma & Pa!

Hello Vancouver!

Hello My Metalhead!

Hello Relaxation!

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