Jamie Lynn Unleashed

Self-absorbed, psychotic and senstive AKA Normal Female

Monday, July 31, 2006

another trip

Remember how I said everything would work out in the end...

Well I think things have.. I found cheaper tickets... and made enough in tips in 4 days to cover my shortage... and have some left over for my first two days in Vancouver...

Though I haven't been able to get a hold of Davinna so I may not be going over to Victoria after all.

I may also get a temp job while in Vancouver..

Bringing Knuckles home is supposedly really expensive because he isn't a cat.. so I think I'll pretend I'm a little crazy and tell everyone he's a cat OR stick him in my bra.. he isn't metal so he shouldn't set off the detector. Though my parents (be damned if they'll admit it) have taken a shining too him... so if something doesn't work out he may just stay with them..

I finally applied for my student loan (stupid stupid stupid girl!) and now just have to pick my classes.. why am I such an absentminded procrastinator.

I have changed my permanent residency to Alberta so I can enjoy all those perks. And I'll probably end up back out here next summer. My manager seemed quite enthusiastic about that idea.

I could blather on but life if boring as of the moment.. I work, sleep and am trying to pack..

Oh the bull riding story.

So I told y'all about Jaclyn and my matching shirts with the "I'm not a cowgirl I just like a good ride" shirts.

WELL! We were approaching the stampede fairgrounds when we saw a sign for 'Free Bull Rides' and a man standing on the opposite side of the street with lasso (I kid you not).

As we approach I am trying to convince Jaclyn to do this (knowing full well it's going to be a mechanical bull). Then as this guy approaches and begins to help me to convince Jaclyn I realize (a little too late) that this is a ploy. I wasn't sure exactly what was going to be offered to us: credit cards, condos, timeshares, phone services.. if only we'd been so lucky....

We approach the tent after being lassoed by dude.. we are giggling Jaclyn still protesting and then dude tells us we can try out the bull ride if we just take 3 minutes to listen to Britney. Being the polite girls we are we turn around to be greeted by "Hey y'all!" By a grinning pretty girl in her early 20's.

**Back story.. Jaclyn is a single mother, who works very hard to support her daughter on her sole income with NO SUPPORT from her daughter's father.**

"Hey y'all, my name is Britney. I'm from Texas and I want to tell you about Jesus Christ and how he changed my life."

-I have to bite down immediately on my lip ring as Mr.Lasso actually looks at my shirt at this very same moment and he face drops... he knows this isn't going to be an easy sell.

"Now my father left when I was born and because I didn't have a father figure in my life I turned to drugs and alcohol and started getting into trouble."

-Smoke begins to come from Jaclyn's ears and I really have to stare hard into Britney's eyes not to burst out laughing... Now you may think I am being rude but this really was the LAST thing I expected to hear at this moment. I am on hiatus from religion until I commence religious studies in September.

"Then I met these Canadians and they seemed so happy and they told me about God and how he could be my heavenly father to fill the space left from not having an earthly...

('Wow I used to listen to this crap and believe it..')

"If you want to pray with me right now you can find the ..."


I swallowed back my laughter and my biting remarks and simply said:

"Britney I have listened to this propaganda my entire upbringing and I am glad that it works for you, but it doesn't work for me. I hope that you lead a happy and eventful life, but I have no interest in that lifestyle anymore. Good Day"

We walked one block away and burst into laughter at the awkwardness of the entire situation. Jaclyn was fuming but we both realized that there is a time and place for theological arguments and on our way to the Calgary Stampede fairgrounds with little naive Britney from Texas is not the time nor the place.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bad luck

Is better then no luck at all...

so after getting drugged Friday night, I got food poisoning on Monday.. and lost my wallet, though it was returned minus the 40$ I had left to live on till I fly to Vancouver.

I don't' get paid till next Friday and even though it'll be a sweet-ass paycheque... I don't have enough cash to buy my plane ticket back East.

Fortunately for me.. Things always work out in the end.

Now begins my online job search for employment when I return home..

In one week I will be relaxing in Vancouver... 2 weeks I'll be in Halifax.

I seriously LOVE my life.

Shitty shitty shitty part...

I am really going to miss my parents... The more I get to know them (and get older, and 'hopefully' become less of an asshole) the more difficult it becomes to say goodbye to them.

Though I am looking forward to hanging out with Kiddo before he moves out here.... He's the golden child (and baby of the family) and I must admit the most responsible, level headed and coolest of the entire brood.

I miss my friends... but I'm going to miss my friends here too....

Monday, July 24, 2006

Drugged up

Friday night I finished work at 10:30 went home to meet up with my friend Tasha. We've been friends since I was 8 and she was 7. I brought along a friend from work, Steve, and my friend Dan met up with us.

Tasha had a few screwdrivers, while I had a couple glasses of Crown and cola. We headed out to the Crown&Anchor, for a few cocktails and some pool. We were having fun, and the night was full of adventures.

I almost got into a fight with a guy who (as his friend claimed) had just been initiated into the HA. We both got into our respective cabs, Steve and Dan sat on either side of me I think to keep me from jumping back out and exchanging more words with the douchebag.

Then we headed to a local bar with some live entertainment. Tasha and I wanted to dance. I made the foolish mistake of setting a drink on the ledge next to the dance floor. From there things get hazy and I fell on the floor at least 3 times, then I completely blacked out. I became 'aware' of my situation around 5am as my friend Dan is on the phone with his friend a paramedic and they are trying to figure out what drug I may have ingested. Apparently I had been throwing up since 2am. I have no recollection of anything until the next morning when I wake up still dressed on my side with a steel bowl placed on the floor next to the bed I was sleeping in. I was woozy and dizzy for most of Saturday.

Thank goodness I had responsible friends around me, or I may not be writing this update today.

Needless to say I will never set foot in that establishment again, and I will be even more conscientious of my drinks.

Saturday was much nicer.. I took my parents out to a fine dining restaurant and wore my new red dress. Then Tasha, Dan and I went to the beach for a swim and bonfire.
I also got 6 hours of pay and I wasn't even working as my manager decided to close my lounge last night. I guess all these weeks of being a workaholic paid off.

Monday, July 17, 2006


I have so many wonderful stories I could tell you.. Finding the time to do so may be a different story. I am working the next two weeks straight. I might even get one more job during that time to make sure I have enough money to come home and relax for a bit. We'll see.

I got to see T and her fiancee and they are a cute couple madly in love and I can't wait to attend the wedding in October. Not too certain if I am part of the ceremony.. It would be my first time being a bridesmaid.

I met the delightful B@B and all I can say is wow. She is just as beautiful outside as she is inside. She gave my friend Jaclyn and I a lovely tour of the little shops in Inglewood, including the Harley dealership and the army surplus. I am rather happy Jaclyn was with me, or else I would have probably ended up blathering like an adoring fan... cause Broad is one very cool chick.

I also met up with a friend of some friends and he and his lovely girlfriend were the most gracious and sweetest hosts. We attended a metal show and I had a fantastic time. I was up till 10 am having wonderful conversation and passing back and forth a bottle of scotch.

This is us acting like goofs at Stampede Shredfest.

I also met up with a friend of some friends and he and his lovely girlfriend were the most gracious and sweetest hosts. We attended a metal show and I had a fantastic time. I was up till 10 am having wonderful conversation and passing back and forth a bottle of scotch.

This is us acting like goofs at Stampede Shredfest.

My dear friend Darren gave Jaclyn and I free range in his house, even passing up his California King for us. We, being the wild women that we are, promptly took over his living room with our garments and his bathroom counter with our beauty supplies. He was sweet enough to make us breakfast and even baked us some fresh bread.

Jaclyn was the most amazing road trip companion. Her ability to talk incessantly made the part of the trip we shared fly by. I missed her chatter during my 4 hour drive from Edmonton. We split everything 50./50 and the trip ended up being less expensive then expected, which was a pleasant surprise and allowed me to indulge in some shopping.

We even met a lovely guy from Ontario who came adventuring with us to Banff. The poor guy was a bit taken aback by such free spirited creatures. He was a working Joe who carried his "blackberry" everywhere and checked it repeatedly. He couldn't comprehend our rampant travels and complete disregard for money. He had far more money and possessions then us, but was horridly unhappy with his life.. I think we gave him a new perspective on life.

I went dancing on Friday night with my ladies.. and I must tell you it was wonderful to be shaking my booty with T again. It was expensive to get into the club, and the drink prices were outrageous.. but money was no object because the time spent was invaluable.

We visited a friend at the Marriott hotel, and the lamp in the room had a funny shape so I captured a picture with the gorgeous Jaclyn.

All in all it was one hell of a spectacular trip. I may tell you more if I get a moment.

I'm excited to go to Vancouver now.

Here's proof I wore a pink cowboy hat.

remind me to tell you about the Free Bull Rides.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Friday, July 07, 2006

Calgary Stampede

Mom and Dad lent me their car (they are the best parents on the planet).

Have lunch date in Edmonton.

Picking up the beautiful Jaclyn.

Partying with some East Coast Metalheads on Saturday night.

This is going to be one WILD weekend.

Love you miss you.

Won't be telling you about any of it.


See y'all next week.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


The Great thing about getting older.. Is starting to really love yourself.

Went to the beach and floated down the river with my friend.. It was just what my soul needed.

I feel 5 years old whenever I see fireworks. I am looking forward to the massive display in Vancouver when I go.

A picture of Peace River. I am so glad we went for a drive.

Before the concert the other night. I love my hair when it's curly.. When I first looked at this picture I thought I looked larger.. But now I think I may have been wrong. Carrying trays of drinks around all night is making my arms more shapely.

Two days till Jaclyn and I head to Calgary. I am getting fantabulously excited. I am dragging her to a local metal show. I hope Calgary isn't as uptight as GP.

Monday, July 03, 2006


I am at work.. waiting for the last 45 minutes of my shift to end. Did I mention I work 7 days a week.. have for the past month.. except last Thursday, I had the night off to attend a concert. Never mind what concert, though the drama that ensued because of it is comment worthy.

Anyway because of this continuous working and lack of sleep (I can't sleep past 9:30 am and I have no clue why) haven't been updating. Hell I have been barely functional.

I have so much I want to tell you.. I wish I could sit down with you all near a clear lake on a warm afternoon, the breeze of the water keeping us at a comfortable temperature and spill the beans.

I want to tell you about C, E, F, H, J, M, Y and my upcoming adventure to Calgary with Jaclyn. Speaking of Calgary I'm going to see T and meet her fiancee, I can't supply a word to how I feel about that.. but anxious will work for now.

One month till I fly to Vancouver, then begins two weeks of zaniness before I return to the East Coast. I'm still not sure what staying at H's house for 10 days is going to be like. Though an agreement was made on my bringing Knuckles with me.

A pet.. Ms. Irresponsible is going to have an honest to goodness responsibility.

I have to remember to put gas in my parents car on the way home, I'm really going to miss them.

Oh do you all remember how drunk dude bumped into me and popped my knee out of place mid march? Well I was dancing away from another drunk dude on Thursday night after the concert and it popped back into place. Though walking around on it for 9 hours last night while carrying loads of heavy things.. well that made 2:30-3:30 am pure hell for me last night.... but thanks to the magic of super strength painkillers and ice packs I managed to fall asleep and it feels much better today.

oh I got some luggage today at Value Village for 4 dollars. Thank you employee who doesn't do their job very well,(it's Alberta-you don't have to), because of you I got nice luggage really cheap. Oh and this whole only paying 6% in taxes.. fucking rocks.

Oh LAURA!! I bought your face wash.. that was why I called you today.. well that and to tell you about the soap opera with the dudes in the hotel.. cause it makes me giggle.

and I should get back to my job.... front desk at hotel at midnight... so quiet.. it's almost eerie.

I really cannot think straight at all right now.

I jsut realized why I am tired, sore, cranky and not able to think clearly.. time of the month. FUCK! hopefully it passes quickly I don't want to be feeling gross when I go away.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

GP Highland Games

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